
Kdan Cloud

Free Cloud Storage that Powers Collaboration

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Your Mobile Workplace is Here

Leverage Our Creativity 365 and Document 365 Solutions with Kdan Cloud.

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View and Manage Files Online

View PDF and Microsoft Office documents online. Native file formats of Animation Desk, NoteLedge, and Write-on Video are also supported.

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Collaborate with Your Team

Request files from others with a request link. Send large files and share data with the team in a shared folder.

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Work with Secure Cloud Storage

Users can set up password and access permissions to protect their privacy. Files on Kdan Cloud are TLS/SSL and RSA encrypted.

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Creativity 365 and Document 365 Integration

Back up projects and files with a few taps in PDF Reader, Animation Desk, NoteLedge, Markup, Write-on Video, and Pocket Scanner.

Get Started Today

Join Kdan Cloud for free. Stay organized and start great teamwork from here!

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